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WCVI Salmon Rebuilding



Paul Vecsei/Engbretson Underwater Photography


Provisions in Bill C-68 require that plans are developed to rebuild depleted fish stocks. The status of WCVI Chinook has led to the requirement of such a plan by 2021. Beyond the requirements of Bill C-68, WCVI First Nations and communities have broader interests that they would like included in a rebuilding plan that integrates habitat, hatcheries and harvest. Timely development of the rebuilding plan will require coordination of information gathering, information analysis, plan drafting, engagement and communication across the geographic area of Port Renfrew to Quatsino. The plan is being jointly developed by WCVI First Nations, DFO, the Salmon Roundtables, and others who deeply care about local wild salmon stocks.


The scope of work for this planning process includes several components:




You are invited to continue visiting this page for updates on the process, opportunities for involvement, and draft documents.



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