Place Based Natural Resource Management and Stewardship

Somass Fish Flows Committee
Providing non-binding consensus recommendations on water flow management in the Somass River Watershed
The purpose of the Somass Fish Flows Committee is to coordinate water management advice for dam or weir operators on the Somass River watershed for the primary purpose of ensuring adequate flows to facilitate fish migration and rearing. This advice will be made while respecting safety for people and property and secondary objectives such as residential, industrial, recreational, agricultural water uses when possible.
The members of this committee are:
Hupacasath First Nation
Tseshaht First Nation
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
BC Ministry of Water, Lands, and Resource Stewardship
Catalyst Paper
The Robertson Creek Hatchery (DFO)
Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District
BC Hydro​
Local knowledge holders

For more information, contact Roundtable Facilitator Tim Hawkins