Place Based Natural Resource Management and Stewardship

Who We Are
The Nanaimo River Watershed Roundtable (NRWR) is a diverse collective of groups, agencies, and individuals working for the betterment of the Nanaimo River Watershed.
Roundtable Participants may include representatives of community groups, indigenous, senior, and local governments, private sector businesses, landowners, stewardship groups, recreational users, industry, landowners, residents, and stakeholders with an interest in the Nanaimo River Watershed.
BC Conservation Foundation
BC Ministry of the Environment
City of Nanaimo
Community Representatives
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Harmac Pacific
Mosaic Forest Management
Nanaimo and Area Land Trust
Nanaimo River Estuary Log Storage Association
North Cedar Improvement District
Nanaimo River Estuary Committee
Nanaimo River Hatchery
Nanaimo River Stewardship Society
Port of Nanaimo
Regional District of Nanaimo
Snuneymuxw First Nation
Sport Fishing Advisory Board
Vancouver Island University
Vancouver Island Water Watch Coalition
Vancouver Island Whitewater Paddling Society
Our Vision
Our vision is for a healthy, functioning watershed that provides a diverse range of ecological, social, cultural, and economic values for our communities. We envision a watershed that is resilient to climate change and that can flourish through collaborative management and symbiotic relationships between land, water, and all forms of life.
Our Mission
The Nanaimo River Watershed Roundtable serves as a hub and connector between agencies, groups, and individuals to share resources, information, and knowledge while building and strengthening collaborative relationships in the community. The Roundtable fosters education, research, and monitoring of the health and well-being of the watershed while actively engaging in long-range visioning and planning for the watershed.
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Terms of Reference
Strategic Plan
Major Reports
Photos and Videos
NRWR Events and Activities

How to Participate
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How to Donate
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